During Holiday Season emotions are especially amplified, and for some, it is a tougher time than usual. There may be circumstances either outwardly or inwardly affecting them . Not everyone may be in the “spirit” . Suicides usually go up around Holiday times, for obvious reasons. Now, I am mot trying to bring you down, but we should recognize that those around us may need a little extra cheer, so reach in. The sad reality overall, day to day, is that more and more people are being diagnosed with depression, anxiety hopelessness and unhappiness. Many reasons are responsible, the largest it appears, may be linked to social media, it enhances our focus inward and to isolating ourselves more and more from human interaction. The rates of depression and suicide are on the rise especially among our young, and the causal effect of social media seems to be at the root. I also see more and more people espousing remedies for this unhappiness and solutions for “self-help”. I see most of these solutions off course at best and harmful at worst. This is not a message of defeat, negativity or darkness though. Quite the contrary, I’d like to share a time tested way to lift spirits and increase happiness.. GIVING and KINDNESS ..

The proverbial quote “ “Tis better to give than to receive” is eternally true and this is the perfect season to participate. It’s a natural jumpstart to feeling better and becoming happy. Focus OUT, not in, get out of your own head and situation, there is always someone less fortunate in need. Give back, and give often; perform random acts of kindness, help others, and become engaged with the outside world before you. Talk to the people next to you physically that enter your world even if they are total strangers, “We are more alike than not alike” ~ Maya Angelu. Ask questions, genuinely care about the answers, be a good neighbor and member of your community, call a friend, check in with a stranger, donate food, money, presents or your time to the helpless. sick or homeless and and before you know it, you’ll be happy too! By helping others, we feel better too, it’s just how it goes .. so .. Spread some cheer .. Happy Holidays!!