Does Gratitude make us happier?

All or most happiness gurus, yoga gurus, gurus in general are constantly espousing gratitude.. be grateful. Gratitude will make you happy .. I have heard the word Gratitude way too much myself.. but ok ? so I researched it .. is it true? Does Gratitude make us happier?

it turns out .. scientifically ... it does! but not for the reason you think .. it's actually because of the synthesis of happiness.. the things we cannot change creates happiness in the brain. the more stuck or trapped or have less choice, the happier we are .. " there is nothing good or bad, it is our mind that makes it so" - William Shakespeare

When our ambition is bounded, we are happy, when it is unbounded it leads us to unhappiness and bad behavior. I recommend you watch a TED TALK on this subject for further clarity and explanation it's called the surprising science of happiness with Dan Gilbert. It's a real eye opener and should give you a little rest with your chase of becoming "happy" and quell your worries about whether or not your grateful enough!