It’s late at night and the house is really quiet .. it’s in this space that my thoughts run through my head as I look to have some clarity, insight and revelations. Even better, is in the bath with the water as hot as I can stand it.  I can go into a state of meditation and look into my soul. Try and understand yourself, look deep, ask why and don’t be afraid of what you find. There are demons in there and saints and we need to be able to see them both and not judge ourselves too harshly. When you can really know yourself, you will be liberated, free and knowing and it will give you power, confidence, strength, humility, empathy and compassion. We ALL have these demons and saints that live inside us. We just need to forgive ourselves and everyone else because they are natural and make us who we are, the bad and the good, the Ying and Yang sometimes it serves us well, other times, we make mistakes and pay the consequences. All of it shapes us into who we are and why. Forgive yourself, love yourself you are truly remarkable and deserving of respect. No one is any better than anyone else so be kind to others and demand others treat you well. You don’t even have to say anything, they will know .. they will feel it from you, emanating from your attitude and how you carry yourself. That was my secret, why no one ever messed with me and I was always treated with respect by all.. I believed and loved myself, I had confidence and self worth and it could be felt by others so they knew, they had to respect me too. It’s important. So work on it. T isn’t easy to stare yourself down, there are some pretty scary things we think about and have going on inside us. No worries though, it’s what we act on that counts. That is what will define you, your actions.
