There is NO secret for Success!


I hate to state the obvious but, Innate talent; that’s my answer for how do I become rich and famous.

 When we see success and we wonder how?  More often than not, talent is why.  Sometimes we are in the right place at the right time, sometimes the public can be fooled, and sometimes brilliant marketing can propel you forward. Talent usually wins out in the majority of cases though. The sad truth though,  is that some of us think we are talented when really, we are not.

 If you follow your passion and enjoy what you do, chances are you will do it as often as you can. This of course leads to perfecting that passion and becoming an “expert” at it. Therefore, you have a much greater chance for success than chasing “success” in general. Money is a by- product, not the reason to pursue a life’s work.  It comes as a result, not the cause.

The reason some are successful is simply because they pursue what they love and are good at what they do. It is really that simple. When others try and duplicate, copy, or offer content, a product, or  service that is not authentic, they often times fail for that simple reason. Quality is the direct result of talent, passion and practice.

Success usually gives way to the first people to the finish line. If there is a strong need and room for more than one source, there is more opportunity.

For some, it seems success comes easy. More often than not it is a person’s sheer talent and expertise and therefore an ease that propels them to success. Think of all the greats; John Lennon, Muhammad Ali, Picasso, Michael Jordan, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, all people with extreme talent that pursued their dreams and honed their craft day in and day out. How do you get to Carnegie Hall?  Practice, Practice, Practice.

In order to really be successful one must possess the passion and talent to succeed.  It is not easy to relentlessly practice and spend hours upon hours perfecting one’s ideas or craft. Therefore the key is to be passionate and talented enough to want to put the time in to master your skills to perfection. Practice and offer a high quality of excellence and the rest will follow.

 All the greats make it look effortless however, there are countless hours of practice and attention to craft that goes into it.  It’s just easier when you love what you are doing, to do it.

Follow what you love to do. Seek out your passion. That is the way to fame and fortune. If you aren’t the best, or close to it or you don’t have a novel idea or product that doesn’t currently exist,  move on it’s not going to magically happen by wishing. 

If you don’t have some God given talent to work with you will never reach your goal. It’s better to seek out what you excel at and work from there. Wanting something is not enough to achieve it.

If you are looking for an outlet for your talent, then just do it, anyway you can. Success will find you. It has been my experience in life that money follows but does not lead. You must first follow and develop and hone your talent and follow what you are passionate about.  There is always room at the top. People will be drawn to you if what you are offering is extraordinary and of quality and substance. That is your first step forward. Next time I  will talk about what to do to get it out there once your talent is perfected.

Carol Scott