Turn Outward, not inward ..

Feeling down? More depressed and anxious? How can we not given the environment and times we live in right now?

I know you hear this a lot from me ... but I really feel strongly about it and I feel it is being exasperated by the pandemic .. and that's think less about yourself and more about others. There are many keys to happiness and one of them is connection. This has now become especially hard with the pandemic as we are forced into quarantine and limited in our social options. We NEED interaction, we need connection, we need other people. We are social creatures, we need our tribe. When we only focus on self help, self improvement, acquisition of material wealth and goods, we will not become happy. Those pathways actually lead to more depression and anxiety. Ir is when we step outside ourselves and engage and help others, we lift ourselves up and it actually makes us happier. The political divisiveness and the ways we use social media now, more as superficial P.R. pages showcasing a “look at me” mentality instead of genuine connection, has lead to an even greater contributor to alienation and pushes us away from each other, when really we need just the opposite. If we truly want to heal ourselves and our communities, we need to increase our focus outward. Not only for altruistic reasons, but for our own happiness and well being. So, if you are truly looking for self improvement and to increase your happiness? Then stop focusing on yourself and help someone else, engage and communicate, connect with others .. Use social media for conversation, connection, friendship, and helping others feel better and cope. Change your focus away from yourself and toward lifting someone up instead. Take the focus away from “ME” and put it to “WE”. The quickest way to feel good about your self is to focus on others. We thrive when we bond with others. We are a communal species and need interaction. The quickest way to feel better about yourself, is to help someone else. We need purpose, belonging, attachment and value. Start today and see if you don’t feel less anxious and alone. It works.

Carol Scott