Vaccine Politics.. really?


Never shy about expressing my opinion, my big question? when did vaccines become so political? I mean really, I cannot get behind the whole " infringing on my freedom" defense. Do these same people avoid taking the Polio vaccine? Can you imagine what life would be like now if we all refused it? or the smallpox vaccine? History is on the side of the vaccine. Yes, there have been missteps and side effects for the few but overall, vaccines protect life. It's that simple! It also comes down to the whole entitlement issue. Since when does the good of the one, outweigh the good of all. The hubris of it all to think that one person is so very special that many should die over it. What happened to "taking one for the team"? Are we so distanced from each other that no one else matters but ourselves? It just makes me feel that some people have become so selfish that only their needs and wants matter. That is no way for a community or society to function, and ineveitably .. it doesn't! #commonsense #getonboard #getvaccinated #weneedherdimmunity #awareness #people #community #onebodyoneworld
