Why Adidas Yeezy drop policy is wrong for this moment in time

I am well aware this is by far not a serious matter and a bit tongue in cheek, but I am genuinely upset at Adidas and their Yezzy sneaker drop policy! Although certainly a small thing , I believe it is wrong , and fairly insensitive for this moment in time. It is a trivial example of what is wrong with corporate society today. We are in a moment that is unprecedented in current times. Covid-19 has made a new reality for the world and hoarding toilet paper and social distancing along with anxiety and fear are the new normal . As we try and cope and adjust, Adidas just had their latest drop for the Yezzy 350. In short it is more or less a lottery system with a limited edition shoe that is in short supply. Within less than two hours the sneakers are for sale at double and sometimes triple their price on resale websites. What is the purpose of this? Adidas is of course able to produce more than what they are offering? Who exactly are the people winning this lottery? The immediate availability on resale sites makes me think there are a select few out there that are always able to purchase while the great majority looking to actually wear rather than resale lose out. I t’s not that I don’t get it, create scarcity and the item becomes more valuable. However, given our life now is all about scarcity ( ventilators, face masks) and the few pleasures and normalcy that we are able to partake in is are our only solace, must we now battle for footwear as well? If Adidas, Kanye West ( who is the designer/ creator of the Yeezy brand) had any kind of awareness and or empathy they would abandon this policy for the foreseeable future and give in to a simple pleasure that would create a modicum of joy. I have tried to contact Adidas to no avail. I have left emails and notifications through any channels open only to be left in silence. I am now appealing to all of you, to help me speak out or at least boycott them. We don’t have much else to do as we self quarantine, perhaps this is the perfect time to create a grass roots movement for some egalitarian social justice! It’s a small thing I admit and won’t change the world much but maybe it can have a ripple effect, and become one of many such battles that says, we as a society won’t stand for elitism and false demand any longer. This fake scarcity is the same phenomenon I see at the lines in front of Supreme brand stores and the frenzy felt by anxious consumers waiting in desperation for the newest items. This false scarcity is really something we can absolutely do without now! We should not have to experience it over something that is being falsely created. and trivial It resembles more serious and real scarcities that are deeply affecting our lives and there is no more room in today’s society for such thoughtless and frivolous behavior. We have real emergencies and shortages and we do not need Adidas or Supreme aiding to our worries. We should be moving toward a more kind and forgiving society than if able, provides for it’s people. This is corporate responsibility at its core. Now I know what you are thinking, so don’t purchase those brands. Yes, of course but that would not end the practice. I believe the practice itself needs to be called out so it can end. It is better for all of us as a whole to start moving toward socially conscious consumerism and we need corporations to be our allies not our cause. Won’t you join me in passing this along, sending Adidas your thoughts and stop shopping them. As we all know the most direct consequence that gets the most attention from a corporation is to withhold profit! thank you for letting me vent over such a small matter in such a trying time!